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Korean Academy of International Business Management

논문검색 Korean Academy of International Business Management

ㅇ ISSN 1598-4869 (Print)
ㅇ ISSN 2713-8291(Online)

국제경영리뷰, Vol.25 no.2 (2021)

- 한국 내 다국적기업 해외자회사 현지 직원의 이중 조직동일시 유형, 업무열의와 조직시민행동 -


(서강대학교 경영연구소 선임연구원)


(부경대학교 국제통상학부 부교수)


(서강대학교 경영학부 교수)

본 연구는 다국적기업 해외자회사에 근무하는 현지 직원의 이중 조직동일시(모기업에 대한 조직동일시와 해외자회사에 대한 조직 동일시)가 동등 수준의 이중 조직동일시, 모기업 편향 이중 조직동일시, 탈 동일시, 해외자회사 편향 이중 조직동일시 등 네 가지 유형 으로 구분될 것이라고 주장하였다. 그리고 네 가지 이중 조직동일시 유형에 따라 현지 직원의 긍정적인 태도(업무열의)와 행동(조직시 민행동)이 다르게 나타나고, 특히 동등 수준의 이중 조직동일시 유형에 속한 현지 직원의 업무열의와 조직시민행동이 가장 높게 나타 날 것이라고 주장하였다. 24개국 출신, 77개 다국적기업 해외자회사에 근무 중인 503명의 현지 직원들을 대상으로 이상의 가설들을 군집분석, 공분산분석, 분산분석 등을 통해 검정하였으며, 모든 가설이 지지가 됨을 확인하였다.

Types of Dual Organizational Identification, Work Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Host Country Nationals Working at MNC Subsidiaries in Korea

You, Chi-Yeon

Bae, Jun-Young

Lee, Khan-Pyo

The purpose of this study is as follows. First, this study categorize four different types in which host country nationals (HCNs)’ dual organizational identification (DOI). Second, this study examine the difference of HCNs’ positive attitude (work engagement) and behavior (organizational citizenship behavior) according to the four types of DOI. For this purpose, we set the hypothesis as follows. First, we suggest a framework to categorize four different types of HCNs’ DOI is partitioned between organizational identification (OI) with subsidiary and OI with parent firm (headquarter) in multinational corporation (MNC): comparable DOI, parent firm-oriented DOI, disidentification DOI, and subsidiary-oriented DOI. Second, we suggest that the work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior of HCNs are different according to the four types of DOI, and in particular, the work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior of HCNs belonging to the comparable DOI would be the highest. To test these hypotheses, we conducted cluster analysis, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the data from 503 HCNs working at 77 MNE subsidiaries in Korea originate from 24 countries. The result of the analysis is as follows: First, HCNs’ DOI categorize four types as comparable DOI, parent firm-oriented DOI, disidentification DOI, and subsidiary-oriented DOI. Second, HCNs’ work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior are different according to the four types of DOI, especially the HCNs belonging to the comparable DOI show the highest level of work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior. The contribution of this study is as follows: First, this study present four types of HCNs’ DOI and examine the difference of work engagement and organizational citizenship according to the four types of DOI. Second, this study provides practical implications for the host country managers working at MNC subsidiaries in Korea.

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