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Korean Academy of International Business Management

논문검색 Korean Academy of International Business Management

ㅇ ISSN 1598-4869 (Print)
ㅇ ISSN 2713-8291(Online)

국제경영리뷰, Vol.26 no.1 (2022)

- Top Manager Gender and Open Innovation : Evidence from Malaysia -

Na, Kyunga

(Associate Professor, Department of International Business, Chungbuk National University)

본 논문은 말레이시아 기업을 대상으로 최고 관리자의 성별이 개방형 혁신(open innovation)에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 이를 위 해 세계은행의 기업설문 데이터베이스(World Bank Enterprise Survey database)로부터 2015년에 말레이시아에서 활동한 585개의 제조기업을 추출하여 최고 관리자가 여성인 경우와 세 가지 유형의 개방형 혁신(제품 관련 개방형 혁신, 공정 관련 개방형 혁신, 제품이 나 공정 혁신을 위한 지적재산권의 구매)간에 어떤 관련성이 있는지 실증 분석하였다. 특히 본 논문에서는 최고 관리자의 성별로 인한 선택편의 및 내생성의 문제를 통제하기 위하여 헤크만 2단계 회귀분석을 실시하였는데 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저 최고 관리자가 여성인 기업은 공정 관련 개방형 혁신 및 지적재산권의 구매와 유의한 양의 관계로 나타났다. 하지만 최고 관리자가 여성인 기업과 제 품 관련 개방형 혁신 간에는 유의한 관계가 관찰되지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 말레이시아 기업 중 최고 관리자가 여성인 기업은 공정 관 련 개방형 혁신이나 지적재산권 구매 형태의 개방형 혁신을 적극적으로 활용하고 있다는 점을 시사한다.

여성 최고 관리자와 기업의 개방형 혁신 : 말레이시아 제조기업을 중심으로

Na, Kyunga

This study examines how top manager gender affects open innovation activities of firms in Malaysia. The sample consists of 585 Malaysian manufacturing firms in 2015 collected from the World Bank Enterprise Survey database (WBES). To measure the open innovation activities of a firm, the following three proxies are used: (1) open innovation for new or significantly improved products, (2) open innovation for new or significantly improved processes, and (3) purchase or licensing of intellectual property rights to develop new or significantly improved products or processes. Since gender of a top manager candidate may influence a firm’s decision of hiring the candidate, using gender as the test variable without adjustment may cause sample selection bias and endogenous issues. To control for these potential issues, the Heckman two-stage regression model is used. In the first stage, female top manager, the dependent variable, is regressed on factors which can affect the selection of top manager along with control variables. The inverse Mill’s ratio is calculated from the results and is included in the second stage as a control variable to correct sample selection bias and endogenous issues. In the second stage, each of the three proxies of open innovation is regressed on female top manager and other control variables. Major findings are as follows. First, the presence of female top managers has a significantly positive association with open innovation for new or significantly improved processes as well as purchase or licensing of intellectual property rights to develop new or significantly improved products or processes. However, the relation with open innovation for new or significantly improved products is insignificant. These results indicate that firms led by female top managers are more likely to be involved in process-related open innovation or purchasing intellectual property to develop new or significantly improved products or processes compared to those led by non-female top managers.

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